
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is a Republican

Well, I was just reflecting about what it feels like to vote Republican .  How would I feel if I knew my vote for Romney was in agreement with members of the KKK and white supremacist groups as well as the following:
-Corporate managers who are sitting on millions of dollars in cash rather than using that money to create jobs for people who need them
-Christian religious bullies and bigots
-People who are racially prejudiced
-Criminal bullies who have not been caught
-Business bullies who mismanage other people's funds, do hostile takeovers, fix prices, engage in insider trading, cause the deterioration of environmental quality in the name of Profit
-Those who discriminate against minorities
-Members of the majority who believe minorities are persecuting them
-Those who believe the almighty dollar is the most valued be-all end-all ultimate meaning of life.  That would include most of the 1% of the American population that control 90% of the country's wealth.
Tell me.  How will it feel for you?

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